Cryptocurrency Awareness, Blog, News and Resources

Developing Your Crypto Investment Strategy

Your crypto strategy will be one of the easiest things to write and one of the hardest to implement.  90% of us invest emotionally. We FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) into a trade and we exit a trade because of FUD (Fear Uncertainty and Doubt).…

Choosing Your Cryptocurrency Investments

New crypto currencies and tokens are being created each week. There are lots of opportunities to get in on the action early.  Choosing your cryptocurrency investments at the right time will increase your likelihood of a higher return.…

Investment in Cryptocurrency – Due Diligence

Before you invest in any crypto you will need to undertake some research in the currency or token to satisfy yourself that it is legitimate and worthwhile.  This systematic process is called Due Diligence and your investment is at risk if…

Investment in Cryptocurrency – Tokenomics 

Cryptocurrency Investment Tokenomics is the economics of a cryptocurrency coin or token. I.e. all the features that make you want to invest in it. This is much easier to do with a good search engine.  I’m sure you are thinking ‘hang on,…

An Introduction to Cryptocurrency

What is Cryptocurrency? Cryptocurrency is often abbreviated to Crypto. The dictionary definition according to the Oxford English Dictionary is “a digital currency in which encryption techniques are used to regulate the generation of units…

Why Cryptocurrency Will Succeed

The Financial ‘boom and bust’ period is a fiat phenomenon that seems to happen every 8-12 years or so.  Unfortunately, most of the time, it is caused by greed and stupidity and each time it happens, it hurts people like you and me rather…

Are CBDCs Good or Bad?

At the time of writing, there aren’t actually any CBDCs fully implemented. Sure, the Chinese are gradually rolling out the Digital Yuan, but this is still in the trial phase. It may be because there is a lot of fear about CBDCs.  Many…

How to Buy Crypto Coins and Tokens

Buying cryptocurrency as an investment is quite convoluted.  At the moment, we can’t just go into a shop and buy crypto in the same way we can go to the bank and buy holiday currency.  There are steps that need to be followed and although…

Blockchain & Cryptocurrency Investment Alternatives

Although the gains could be huge, so could the losses.  Some of us, though excited about being part of the revolution, aren’t yet ready to dip our toes into such fiscal volatility.  If you are one of those people, or if you are just…

Crypto Security, Protecting Digital Assets

Crypto security is fundamental to the safe use of cryptocurrency.  There are many unscrupulous people who find it easier to steal your crypto than purchase or earn their own. The following pages will help you stay safe and better help you…